/* square array of aii amacrines */
/* connected by gap junctions */
timinc = 1e-4;
endexp = 0.50;
crit = 1e-8;
ploti = .001;
relax = .10;
drm = 25000;
tempcel = 22;
arrsiz = 15; /* size of cone array */
scal = 8;
aiisoma = 7;
drg = 2.5e6;
gjcond = 2e-10;
nconn = 9;
qsize = .004;
darkv = -.046;
condr = 12e-10;
rseed = 4669;
aiirest = -.055;
nfv = 4;
vsz = 1;
nfc = 0;
natau = .02;
ktau = .035;
nona = 0; /* =1 -> no Na, K channels in simulation */
nogj = 0; /* =1 -> no gap junctions in simulation */
stim1 = 0; /* =1 -> only 1 AII stimulated (not 5) */
nostim = 0; /* =1 -> no stimulus, just resting V */
slowr = 1; /* =1 -> 100 msec rise time */
nsteps=1; /* number of steps for stim rise time */
risetime=0.001; /* length of stim rise time */
stimtime = .15; /* stim start */
stimlen = .25; /* stim duration */
aii = 5;
gangc = 30000;
x = setvar();
if (slowr==1) {
risetime = .10;
nsteps = 100;
if (stim1==1) {
qsize += 0.0017;
if (nfv==0) {
darkv -= .0006;
totsiz = arrsiz * arrsiz + 1;
include "mid.m";
midarr = midrow(arrsiz);
mida = mid(arrsiz);
rada = int(arrsiz/2);
cent = rada*scal; /* location of stimulus in microns */
dim aiiarr[arrsiz][arrsiz][4];
dim gconnect[totsiz][nconn];
dim xx[totsiz];
proc congj(xi,xj,xh,xk) {
source = aiiarr[xi][xj][0]; /* source aii */
dest = aiiarr[xh][xk][0]; /* dest aii */
for (zi=0; zi1 && j < arrsiz-1 && i>1 && i < arrsiz-1) {
at [aii][x] chan Na type 0 maxcond 4e-9 tauh=natau;
if (j>1 && j < arrsiz-1 && i>1 && i < arrsiz-1) {
at [aii][x] chan K type 0 maxcond 4e-10 taun=ktau;
aiiarr[i][j][0] = x++;
if (!nogj) { /* make gap junctions betw aii's */
for (j=0; j=arrsiz) continue;
if (h<0 || h>=arrsiz) continue;
if (i!=h && j!=k) continue;
if (i==h && j==k) continue;
congj (i,j,h,k);
/*for (i=0; i (rada+1) || i < (rada-1) || i > (rada+1))
|| (!stim1 && (j!=rada && i!=rada)) || (stim1 && (j!=rada || i!=rada))) {
conn [ninp] to [aii][x] synapse open expon=3 thresh=-.045 maxcond=condr
vrev = -.01
vesnoise N=nfv vsize=vsz nfilt2=2 timec2=1.0
chnoise N=nfc dur=.0001 ename xx[x];
else {
conn [sinp] to [aii][x] synapse open expon=3 thresh=-.045 maxcond=condr
vrev = -.01
vesnoise N=nfv vsize=vsz nfilt2=2 timec2=1.0
chnoise N=nfc dur=.0001 ename xx[x];
conn [aii][x] to [gangc] synapse open expon=8 thresh=-.055 maxcond=12e-10
vrev = -.01
/* vesnoise N=5 vsize=2 nfilt2=2 timec2=.5 /* */
/* chnoise N=100 dur=.0001 /* */;
/* printf ("ganglion cell has %g inputs\n",ginp); /* */
display size 150;
display calibline 10 loc (0.82,0.25);
display center (56,56);
display xrot 60 yrot -10;
display sphere matching [aii][-1];
display sphere matching [aii][mida-1] dscale 1.01 color 4;
display sphere matching [aii][mida] dscale 1.01 color 4;
display sphere matching [aii][mida+1] dscale 1.01 color 4;
display sphere matching [aii][mida+arrsiz] dscale 1.01 color 4;
display sphere matching [aii][mida-arrsiz] dscale 1.01 color 4;
display gj matching [aii][-1] dscale -1 color 14;
/* stimuli */
stim node [ninp] vclamp darkv start 0 dur 1;
stim node [sinp] vclamp darkv start 0 dur stimtime;
stepdur = risetime/nsteps;
topdur = stimlen-2*risetime-.03;
if (nostim==1) {
stim node [sinp] vclamp=darkv start=stimtime dur stimlen;
else {
for (i=0; i